Electronic Medical Record (EMR)
The Brigham and Women's/Sturdy Memorial Radiation Oncology Center's EMR services leverages a fully integrated electronic medical record, or EMR, in order to deliver the highest level of patient care available. The EMR is used by all staff to record all encounters with the patient including patient information, treatment data, and clinical notes during the entire treatment cycle. Examples of information residing in the EMR include office visit assessments, treatment plan data, and images acquired during the course of treatment. By virtue of our EMR, patients can feel assured that their treatment is delivered in the safest manner possible. For example, prior to any treatment the system crosschecks the most current data residing in the patient EMR and if any discrepancy exists the radiation beam will not turn on.
At Brigham and Women's/Sturdy Memorial Radiation Oncology Center the EMR ensures that critical patient information is available at the fingertips of our clinical staff and the referring physician, contributing to the high-quality of care that we have to offer.
Benefits of Electronic Medical Records
An EMR is more beneficial than paper records because it allows providers to:
• Track data over time.
• Identify patients who are due for preventive visits and screenings.
• Monitor how patients measure up to certain parameters, such as vaccinations and blood pressure readings.
• Improve overall quality of care in a practice.
• The information stored in EMRs is not easily shared with providers outside of a practice. A patient’s record might even have to be printed out and delivered by mail to specialists and other members of the care team.